Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bills Bills Bills

Ugh, I hate living paycheck to paycheck. I have 4 bills due right now, and I can choose to pay the two small ones or one big one. Either way, I'm going to have to tell my dad to wait for me to pay him for my insurance, and I'm going to have to ask James to help me. Stupid child support... I hate when it is late. I hate the Attorney General. They SUCK when it comes to child support.

I started talking to Melissa again, oh God I missed her. She is so sweet and funny.

Spoke to Jessi yesterday too. She's homesick, and I'm Jessisick. I can't wait for her to come back for Thanksgiving! If you are reading this Jess, I miss you!

Blah, my boss is bitching at me AGAIN for something stupid. It really bothers me how she expects me to do this dumptruck load of work in one day, and then emails me when I don't. I'm not a freaking SuperWoman Employee. At least Pat is back from her New Orleans trip, so now I have someone to talk to.

Man I'm starving. I need to figure out a way to buy a treadmill so I can start running.
I guess I will go back to work now, the boss is still griping.

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